Intel launched the Kaby Lake-R architecture's 8th-gen. mobile processor in 2017, upgraded to quad-core specifications, significantly improving the performance of notebooks; At the same time, Intel also announced the new Whiskey Lake-U in last year 2018. The Amber Lake architecture mobile processor further enhances performance and improves endurance performance, but primarily supports enhanced Gigabit wireless connectivity for connectivity. Now in the current industrial & embedded market, more and more industrial & embedded computers is equipping with the 8th-gen. Whiskey Lake platform. TAICENN also released new products based on the 8th-gen. Whisky Lake platform processors.
Intel introduced three Whiskey Lake processors, a Core i3, a Core i5 and a Core i7. The Core i5 and i7 are both four-core, eight-thread chips, much like their Kaby Lake R brethren, whereas the Core i3 still rocks two cores and four threads. Where they really set themselves apart is in their clock speeds.
The stock clocks on the Core i5 and i7 are virtually the same as the Core i5-8250U and Core i7-8550U at 1.6GHz and 1.8GHz respectively. But Intel, has boosted the boost clocks for the Core i5-8265U and Core i7-8565U drastically – up to 4.6GHz and 3.9GHz, respectively.
We haven’t seen what this performance hike translates into RE: real world performance, but average users likely won’t notice a difference. However, this much of an increase in Turbo Boost speeds can back up Intel’s claim that Whiskey Lake can have up to a double-digit increase in performance over 7th-generation Kaby Lake processors.
As far as the integrated GPU goes, though, it looks like Intel is sticking with the Intel UHD Graphics 620 chip found in the Kaby Lake-R chips, so don’t expect vastly improved GPU performance with this new microarchitecture – even if Intel says gamers will be able to play games using just the integrated graphics.
What’s probably more noteworthy than clock speeds and GPU improvements, though is the fact that Intel has found a way to integrate 802.11 AC Wi-Fi into the PCH on Whiskey Lake processors. This functionality isn’t included in the Amber Lake Y-series chips, but Intel is offering discrete solutions for those fanless models – on top of eSIM support for laptop makers that want to build LTE modems into new laptops.
As a solution provider & manufacturer of Industrial computer, Industrial Panel PC & Industrial monitor products, TAICENN also focus on support on new platform solution and products. We have already release our new industrial Panel PC series TPC-PCM series, which are based on 8th-gen. Whiskey lake platform, to serve our customers, providing best solution products and support.